[xsd-users] Error while generating code from XSD

Ngu, Henry C Henry_C.Ngu at lamresearch.com
Thu Nov 15 13:38:08 EST 2007


    I am having error trying to generate h and c++ file from XSD file
(attached the zip file for your references)



xsd cxx-parser --namespace-map urn:semi-org:xsd.E132-1.V0305.auth=auth
--namespace-map urn:semi-org:xsd.CommonComponents.V0305.ccs=ccs

E132CommonComponents-V0305-Schema.xsd:12:47: error: element name

nsion' creates an unstable conflict when used as a type name

E134CommonComponents-V0305-Schema.xsd:13:21: info: conflicting type is
defined here

E132CommonComponents-V0305-Schema.xsd:12:47: info: use --anonymous-regex
to resolve this conflict

E132CommonComponents-V0305-Schema.xsd:12:47: info: and don't forget to
pass the

same option when translating 'E132CommonComponents-V0305-Schema.xsd' and
all the

 schemas that refer to it






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