[xsd-users] Trying to launch example "hello" from examples

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Mon May 31 10:27:00 EDT 2021

Shouval, Assaf <Assaf.Shouval at 3dsystems.com> writes:

> 11>D:\SimProjects\3RdParty\CodeSynthesis XSD 4.0\examples\cxx\tree\hello\hello.cxx(39,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xsd/cxx/pre.hxx': No such file or directory
> 11>D:\SimProjects\3RdParty\CodeSynthesis XSD 4.0\examples\cxx\tree\hello\hello.hxx(50,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xsd/cxx/config.hxx': No such file or directory
> I’ve added the Code Synthesis include folder in the additional include
> folders. I’ve checked that the folder path is valid. But it doesn’t find
> it.

The only thing that I can think of is to re-check everything: (1) that
you've added the path to the place (property sheet) that is effective
for the configuration you are building (e.g., Debug/Release), (2) that
the directory you have added is correct (it should end with ...\libxsd\),
and (3) that these files do in fact exist in this directory (e.g.,

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