[xsd-users] RE: Problem during compilation of generated files

De, Pradipta pde at seic.com
Mon Oct 17 10:44:58 EDT 2005

Hi Boris,

	I don't know whether I am missing something, but is there a way
to do the reverse of what you are doing right now? (XML -> Class) what
about (Class -> XML?), have you provided any API for the same? Please
let know.

Pradipta De 
-----Original Message-----
From: Boris Kolpackov [mailto:boris at codesynthesis.com] 
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 11:21 AM
To: De, Pradipta
Cc: xsd-users at codesynthesis.com
Subject: Re: Problem during compilation of generated files


De, Pradipta <pde at seic.com> writes:

> It is now working great with the latest set of files you have given.
> are using compiler version 5.6, will let you know how things progress.

Nice to know things are working for you.

> Why did you choose to go with struct for parser as against a class for
> tree? Where there any specific design considerations?

When the code was hand-crafted during the prototyping stage, I used

struct foo: bar

instead of

class foo: public bar

because it is shorter. I guess it doesn't matter much in the generated

> Please let know when you release a version for Solaris.

Will do.


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