[xsde-users] Using polymorphism

Frenk Stih iknerf.dream at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 02:17:51 EDT 2015

Hello xsde,

I am starting using you xsde and have also check the forum, but could
not found the issue to my problem.

I am working on linux and using latest 3.2.0 xsde version.

I have created parser with the following scheme
<xs:complexType name="MsgHeader">
  <xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:element name="HDR" type="Header"                            />
<xs:element name="MsgHdr" type="MsgHeader"/>
<!-- ACK.R01 Message [6.2] ================================================ -->
<xs:complexType name="MsgAcknowledgement">
    <xs:extension base="MsgHeader">
        <xs:element name="ACK" type="Acknowledgement"
<xs:element name="ACK.R01" type="MsgAcknowledgement"
substitutionGroup="MsgHdr" />

and using xsde options:
--cxx-hybrid --generate-parser --generate--aggregate
--generate-polymorphic --root-element MsgHdr --polymorphic-type MsgHdr

I then try to use the MsgHdr_paggr and could parse just HDR xml
messages. In the paggr there is also no pre() method? Is this ok,
because when I have read your online help and polymorphic example the
pre() should exists. I then tried to work on pimpl only and
MsgHeader_pimpl can also parse only HDR xml message, even if I set
polymorphic to true and use parsers_map.

Everything is fine when parsing the MsgHeader message, but when trying
to parse the MsgAcknowledgement message I always get an error in the
part starting <ACK>:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <HDR.control_id V="4001"/>
     <HDR.version_id V="POCT1"/>
     <HDR.creation_dttm V="2001-11-01T16:30:01-0800"/>
    <ACK>              <-- Here I get error "unexpected element encountered"
     <ACK.type_cd V="AA"/>
     <ACK.ack_control_id V="10001"/>

I can parse this message if I use MsgAcknowledgement_pimpl, so I
assume the parser is ok.

The example code I am working:

    MsgHeader_pimpl hello_p;
    MsgAcknowledgement_pimpl ack_p;
    xml_schema::parser_map_impl p_map(3);
    std::cout << "test parsing POCT message" << std::endl;
    xml_schema::document_pimpl doc_p(hello_p,
                                     true );
    std::cout << "test calling pre() of XSDe parser" << std::endl;
    hello_p.pre ();
    std::cout << "test perform parse()" << std::endl;
    doc_p.parse (argv[1]);

Did I miss something?

Thanks for any advice, Frenk

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