[xsde-users] Error converting Adobe XFA Template schema

Ryan Barr rbarr at pdftron.com
Fri Aug 2 19:50:34 EDT 2013

Hi, I am running into the following error when trying to convert an xsd.

error: type 'xs:anyType' specified as the base in simpleContent definition
must not have complex content

Adobe provides the various XFA schemas as Relax:Next Generation format.
Using TRANG I converted the rng file to an xsd file.

When I run xsde on the generated xsd file I get the error above. Below are
the pertinent xsd lines

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemaelementFormDefault="qualified"
http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-template/3.3/" xmlns:x="
<xs:element name="boolean">
*        <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">* <!-- xsde reports error on
this line. -->
            <xs:union memberTypes="x:booleanContent">
                <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
                  <xs:length value="0"/>
          <xs:attributeGroup ref="x:booleanContent"/>

example usage is "xsde.exe cxx-hybrid --generate-parser template.xsd


[TRANG] http://www.thaiopensource.com/relaxng/trang.html

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