[xsde-users] Working with porly formed legacy xml

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Fri Nov 7 15:16:03 EST 2008

Hi Eric,

Fitzsimmons, Eric <EFitzsimmons at cantorgaming.com> writes:

> I have some legacy code that has a circular dependency between the 
> parsers within the xml.  I've seen the file per type information 
> and have run the command to generate these classes, but I still 
> don't see how it solves this problem.

The file-per-type mode is there to solve a bit different problem,
namely, cyclic dependencies between schema files. What you have
is recursive parsing. That is, you have a parser that can be 
called recursively during parsing of its child elements. The 
generated code fully supports recursive parsing though you will
need to be careful if your parser implementations have any state.
In this case you may need to use a stack to save the state during 
parsing (there is one in libxsde/xsde/cxx/parser/state.hxx that 
is used in the parser skeletons).

I gave your schema and XML fragment a quick test using the 
automatic sample implementation/test driver generation feature:

$ xsde cxx-parser --generate-print-impl --generate-test-driver \
--root-element object test.xsd

$ g++ -I.../libxsde -o driver *.cxx .../libxsde/xsde/libxsde.a

$ ./driver test.xml

When I tried to run the test driver on your XML I got a couple
of errors:

test.xml:10:42: invalid NMTOKEN value
test.xml:12:8: mismatched tag
test.xml:15:2: mismatched tag

The 'some address' value is not a valid NMTOKEN plus there
were a coupe of closing tags missing. After fixing those the
sample XML looks like so:

<object name="Person" id="1">
  <field type="name" value="SomeName" />
  <field type="age" value="35" />
  <field type="jobs">
      <object name="Job" id="1">
        <field type="firstJob" value="true" />
        <field type="Addresses">
            <field value="some-address" />

When I run the test driver on it I get:

$ ./driver test.xml
name: Person
id: 1
type: name
value: SomeName
type: age
value: 35
type: jobs
name: Job
id: 1
type: firstJob
value: true
type: Addresses
value: some-address


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