[xsd-users] xerces validation problem

Klima Georg G.Klima at durst-online.at
Wed Jul 10 08:17:15 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I do have a strange problem when compiling with XSD and it seems that its cause is located in xerces-c.

The error message:

ERROR: element 'Print' has type that does not derive from type of corresponding element in the base

-					The part where the error manifests itself			-

	<xs:complexType name="PrinterComponent_at" abstract="true" >
			<xs:element name="Print" type="durst:PrintPrimitive_at" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
 		<!--xs:attributeGroup ref="durst:ComponentAddr_attr"/-->

	<xs:complexType name="SlotBase_at" abstract="true" >
	 		<xs:extension base="durst:PrinterComponent_at">
	 			<!--xs:attributeGroup ref="durst:SlotAddr_attr"/-->
	<xs:complexType name="SlotUnrestricted_vt" >         <!--The error source line-->
	 		<xs:restriction base="durst:SlotBase_at">
					<xs:element name="Print" type="durst:SlotPrintPrimitive_at" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

-						The corresponding type defs					-

	<xs:complexType name="PrintPrimitive_at" abstract="true"/>

	<xs:complexType name="SlotPrintPrimitive_at" abstract="true">
	 		<xs:extension base="durst:PrintPrimitive_at">
				<xs:attribute name="x"          use="optional" type="xs:int"/>
				<xs:attribute name="yIdx"       use="optional" type="xs:int"/>
				<xs:attribute name="xSize"      use="optional" type="xs:int"/>
				<xs:attribute name="yNozzles"   use="optional" type="xs:int"/>
				<xs:attribute name="xGap"       use="optional" type="xs:int" default="-1"/>
				<xs:attribute name="yNozzleGap" use="optional" type="xs:int" default="-1"/>

As one could see, SlotPrintPrimitive_at is a direct descendant of PrintPrimitive_at.

libxml (xmllint) and qt (xmlpatternsvalidator) perfectly accept this construct. - Who is wrong?
Tested xerces-c with PParse -f -s -n XML-File and the error as stated above is printed to console.

What can I do? - Any help is appreciated!

XSD: 3.3.0
XERCES-C: 3.1.1

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards


Georg Klima
Software Development

Durst Phototechnik Digital Technology GmbH
Julius-Durst-Straße 11
9900 Lienz

Tel.: +43 (0) 4852 71777 612
Fax: +43 (0) 4852 71777 50
eMail: G.Klima at durst-online.at

Visit us on http://www.durst-online.com

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