[xsd-users] Trouble serializing subclasses.

Charles Beyer cjbeyer at gmail.com
Sat May 17 00:21:01 EDT 2008

I'm having trouble getting the codesynthesis xsd-tree serializer to
fully serialize a list of objects. Perhaps someone here can point out
my misstep.

My schema has a list of baseclass elements:

list of elements of A:
CT AList
  E Values A

complex type A:
 E ulong ID

complex type B extends A:
CT B : A
 E ulong JD

The generated classes are as you'd imagine.

class A: public ::xml_schema::type
  typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_long ID_type;
  ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< ID_type > ID_;

class B: public A
  typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_long JD_type;
  ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< ID_type > JD_;

class AList: public ::xml_schema::type
  typedef A Values_type;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< Values_type > Values_sequence;
  Values_sequence Values_;

I'm tying to serialize an AList that contains classes B:

   // convert the list into an XML string
   std::string msg;
   std::ostringstream oss;
   xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
   map[""].name = "stuff";
   map[""].schema = "Schema.xsd";
   AList_ (oss, aList, map);
   msg = oss.str();

It only serializes the Values as type A, not the subclass B:

<AList xmlns="stuff"
xsi:schemaLocation="stuff Schema.xsd">

Using the exact same schema in .NET and C#, it properly serializes AList:

<AList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="stuff">
  <Values xsi:type="B">
  <Values xsi:type="B">

So, that's it.  I'm trying to get the xsd-tree serializer to work like
my cs xsd serializer.  Any pointers?

Charles Beyer,
cjbeyer at gmail.com
Austin, TX

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