[xsd-users] Problems Generanting XML with Optional Tag

Leandro Maia maiabhmg at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 15:01:50 EDT 2009


I have a XSD and the CXX and HXX files generated by CodeSynthesis 
tool... Everything works fine, but, SOMETIMES, when I generate the 
output, the tool generate a XML that is not according to the XSD.

The XSD, XML with problem, CXX and HXX are attached.

The problem is in the line 112 of the XML.

May someone help me with this problem ?


Leandro Maia

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// Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Code Synthesis Tools CC
// This program was generated by CodeSynthesis XSD, an XML Schema to
// C++ data binding compiler.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// In addition, as a special exception, Code Synthesis Tools CC gives
// permission to link this program with the Xerces-C++ library (or with
// modified versions of Xerces-C++ that use the same license as Xerces-C++),
// and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey
// the GNU General Public License version 2 in all respects for all of
// the code used other than Xerces-C++. If you modify this copy of the
// program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program,
// but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
// this exception statement from your version.
// Furthermore, Code Synthesis Tools CC makes a special exception for
// the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) which is described
// in the accompanying FLOSSE file.

// Begin prologue.
// End prologue.

#include <xsd/cxx/pre.hxx>

#include "Identificador.hxx"

namespace eIdentificador
  // classType

  classType (value v)
  : ::xml_schema::string (_xsd_classType_literals_[v])

  classType (const char* v)
  : ::xml_schema::string (v)

  classType (const ::std::string& v)
  : ::xml_schema::string (v)

  classType (const ::xml_schema::string& v)
  : ::xml_schema::string (v)

  classType (const classType& v,
             ::xml_schema::flags f,
             ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::string (v, f, c)

  classType& classType::
  operator= (value v)
    static_cast< ::xml_schema::string& > (*this) = 
    ::xml_schema::string (_xsd_classType_literals_[v]);

    return *this;

  // idType

  const idType::nome_type& idType::
  nome () const
    return this->nome_.get ();

  idType::nome_type& idType::
  nome ()
    return this->nome_.get ();

  void idType::
  nome (const nome_type& x)
    this->nome_.set (x);

  void idType::
  nome (::std::auto_ptr< nome_type > x)
    this->nome_.set (x);

  const idType::eId_type& idType::
  eId () const
    return this->eId_.get ();

  idType::eId_type& idType::
  eId ()
    return this->eId_.get ();

  void idType::
  eId (const eId_type& x)
    this->eId_.set (x);

  void idType::
  eId (::std::auto_ptr< eId_type > x)
    this->eId_.set (x);

  const idType::classe_type& idType::
  classe () const
    return this->classe_.get ();

  idType::classe_type& idType::
  classe ()
    return this->classe_.get ();

  void idType::
  classe (const classe_type& x)
    this->classe_.set (x);

  void idType::
  classe (::std::auto_ptr< classe_type > x)
    this->classe_.set (x);

  const idType::obs_type& idType::
  obs () const
    return this->obs_.get ();

  idType::obs_type& idType::
  obs ()
    return this->obs_.get ();

  void idType::
  obs (const obs_type& x)
    this->obs_.set (x);

  void idType::
  obs (::std::auto_ptr< obs_type > x)
    this->obs_.set (x);

  const idType::ativo_type& idType::
  ativo () const
    return this->ativo_.get ();

  idType::ativo_type& idType::
  ativo ()
    return this->ativo_.get ();

  void idType::
  ativo (const ativo_type& x)
    this->ativo_.set (x);

  const idType::filhos_optional& idType::
  filhos () const
    return this->filhos_;

  idType::filhos_optional& idType::
  filhos ()
    return this->filhos_;

  void idType::
  filhos (const filhos_type& x)
    this->filhos_.set (x);

  void idType::
  filhos (const filhos_optional& x)
    this->filhos_ = x;

  void idType::
  filhos (::std::auto_ptr< filhos_type > x)
    this->filhos_.set (x);

  const idType::id_type& idType::
  id () const
    return this->id_.get ();

  idType::id_type& idType::
  id ()
    return this->id_.get ();

  void idType::
  id (const id_type& x)
    this->id_.set (x);

  // childType

  const childType::identificador_sequence& childType::
  identificador () const
    return this->identificador_;

  childType::identificador_sequence& childType::
  identificador ()
    return this->identificador_;

  void childType::
  identificador (const identificador_sequence& s)
    this->identificador_ = s;

  // idLstType

  const idLstType::identificador_sequence& idLstType::
  identificador () const
    return this->identificador_;

  idLstType::identificador_sequence& idLstType::
  identificador ()
    return this->identificador_;

  void idLstType::
  identificador (const identificador_sequence& s)
    this->identificador_ = s;

#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/parsing-source.hxx>

namespace eIdentificador
  // classType

  classType (const xercesc::DOMElement& e,
             ::xml_schema::flags f,
             ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::string (e, f, c)
    _xsd_classType_convert ();

  classType (const xercesc::DOMAttr& a,
             ::xml_schema::flags f,
             ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::string (a, f, c)
    _xsd_classType_convert ();

  classType (const ::std::string& s,
             const xercesc::DOMElement* e,
             ::xml_schema::flags f,
             ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::string (s, e, f, c)
    _xsd_classType_convert ();

  classType* classType::
  _clone (::xml_schema::flags f,
          ::xml_schema::container* c) const
    return new class classType (*this, f, c);

  classType::value classType::
  _xsd_classType_convert () const
    ::xsd::cxx::tree::enum_comparator< char > c (_xsd_classType_literals_);
    const value* i (::std::lower_bound (
                      _xsd_classType_indexes_ + 7,

    if (i == _xsd_classType_indexes_ + 7 || _xsd_classType_literals_[*i] != *this)
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < char > (*this);

    return *i;

  const char* const classType::
  _xsd_classType_literals_[7] =

  const classType::value classType::
  _xsd_classType_indexes_[7] =

  // idType

  idType (const nome_type& nome,
          const eId_type& eId,
          const classe_type& classe,
          const obs_type& obs,
          const ativo_type& ativo,
          const id_type& id)
  : ::xml_schema::type (),
    nome_ (nome, ::xml_schema::flags (), this),
    eId_ (eId, ::xml_schema::flags (), this),
    classe_ (classe, ::xml_schema::flags (), this),
    obs_ (obs, ::xml_schema::flags (), this),
    ativo_ (ativo, ::xml_schema::flags (), this),
    filhos_ (::xml_schema::flags (), this),
    id_ (id, ::xml_schema::flags (), this)

  idType (const idType& x,
          ::xml_schema::flags f,
          ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::type (x, f, c),
    nome_ (x.nome_, f, this),
    eId_ (x.eId_, f, this),
    classe_ (x.classe_, f, this),
    obs_ (x.obs_, f, this),
    ativo_ (x.ativo_, f, this),
    filhos_ (x.filhos_, f, this),
    id_ (x.id_, f, this)

  idType (const xercesc::DOMElement& e,
          ::xml_schema::flags f,
          ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::type (e, f | ::xml_schema::flags::base, c),
    nome_ (f, this),
    eId_ (f, this),
    classe_ (f, this),
    obs_ (f, this),
    ativo_ (f, this),
    filhos_ (f, this),
    id_ (f, this)
    if ((f & ::xml_schema::flags::base) == 0)
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char > p (e, true, true);
      this->parse (p, f);

  void idType::
  parse (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char >& p,
         ::xml_schema::flags f)
    for (; p.more_elements (); p.next_element ())
      const xercesc::DOMElement& i (p.cur_element ());
      const ::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< char > n (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< char > (i));

      // nome
      if (n.name () == "nome" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        ::std::auto_ptr< nome_type > r (
          nome_traits::create (i, f, this));

        if (!nome_.present ())
          this->nome_.set (r);

      // eId
      if (n.name () == "eId" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        ::std::auto_ptr< eId_type > r (
          eId_traits::create (i, f, this));

        if (!eId_.present ())
          this->eId_.set (r);

      // classe
      if (n.name () == "classe" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        ::std::auto_ptr< classe_type > r (
          classe_traits::create (i, f, this));

        if (!classe_.present ())
          this->classe_.set (r);

      // obs
      if (n.name () == "obs" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        ::std::auto_ptr< obs_type > r (
          obs_traits::create (i, f, this));

        if (!obs_.present ())
          this->obs_.set (r);

      // ativo
      if (n.name () == "ativo" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        if (!ativo_.present ())
          this->ativo_.set (ativo_traits::create (i, f, this));

      // filhos
      if (n.name () == "filhos" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        ::std::auto_ptr< filhos_type > r (
          filhos_traits::create (i, f, this));

        if (!this->filhos_)
          this->filhos_.set (r);


    if (!nome_.present ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > (

    if (!eId_.present ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > (

    if (!classe_.present ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > (

    if (!obs_.present ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > (

    if (!ativo_.present ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > (

    while (p.more_attributes ())
      const xercesc::DOMAttr& i (p.next_attribute ());
      const ::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< char > n (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< char > (i));

      if (n.name () == "id" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        this->id_.set (id_traits::create (i, f, this));

    if (!id_.present ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< char > (

  idType* idType::
  _clone (::xml_schema::flags f,
          ::xml_schema::container* c) const
    return new class idType (*this, f, c);

  ~idType ()

  // childType

  childType ()
  : ::xml_schema::type (),
    identificador_ (::xml_schema::flags (), this)

  childType (const childType& x,
             ::xml_schema::flags f,
             ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::type (x, f, c),
    identificador_ (x.identificador_, f, this)

  childType (const xercesc::DOMElement& e,
             ::xml_schema::flags f,
             ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::type (e, f | ::xml_schema::flags::base, c),
    identificador_ (f, this)
    if ((f & ::xml_schema::flags::base) == 0)
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char > p (e, true, false);
      this->parse (p, f);

  void childType::
  parse (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char >& p,
         ::xml_schema::flags f)
    for (; p.more_elements (); p.next_element ())
      const xercesc::DOMElement& i (p.cur_element ());
      const ::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< char > n (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< char > (i));

      // identificador
      if (n.name () == "identificador" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        ::std::auto_ptr< identificador_type > r (
          identificador_traits::create (i, f, this));

        this->identificador_.push_back (r);


  childType* childType::
  _clone (::xml_schema::flags f,
          ::xml_schema::container* c) const
    return new class childType (*this, f, c);

  ~childType ()

  // idLstType

  idLstType ()
  : ::xml_schema::type (),
    identificador_ (::xml_schema::flags (), this)

  idLstType (const idLstType& x,
             ::xml_schema::flags f,
             ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::type (x, f, c),
    identificador_ (x.identificador_, f, this)

  idLstType (const xercesc::DOMElement& e,
             ::xml_schema::flags f,
             ::xml_schema::container* c)
  : ::xml_schema::type (e, f | ::xml_schema::flags::base, c),
    identificador_ (f, this)
    if ((f & ::xml_schema::flags::base) == 0)
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char > p (e, true, false);
      this->parse (p, f);

  void idLstType::
  parse (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char >& p,
         ::xml_schema::flags f)
    for (; p.more_elements (); p.next_element ())
      const xercesc::DOMElement& i (p.cur_element ());
      const ::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< char > n (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< char > (i));

      // identificador
      if (n.name () == "identificador" && n.namespace_ ().empty ())
        ::std::auto_ptr< identificador_type > r (
          identificador_traits::create (i, f, this));

        this->identificador_.push_back (r);


  idLstType* idLstType::
  _clone (::xml_schema::flags f,
          ::xml_schema::container* c) const
    return new class idLstType (*this, f, c);

  ~idLstType ()

#include <ostream>

namespace eIdentificador
  operator<< (::std::ostream& o, classType::value i)
    return o << classType::_xsd_classType_literals_[i];

  operator<< (::std::ostream& o, const classType& i)
    return o << static_cast< const ::xml_schema::string& > (i);

  operator<< (::std::ostream& o, const idType& i)
    o << ::std::endl << "nome: " << i.nome ();
    o << ::std::endl << "eId: " << i.eId ();
    o << ::std::endl << "classe: " << i.classe ();
    o << ::std::endl << "obs: " << i.obs ();
    o << ::std::endl << "ativo: " << i.ativo ();
    if (i.filhos ())
      o << ::std::endl << "filhos: " << *i.filhos ();

    o << ::std::endl << "id: " << i.id ();
    return o;

  operator<< (::std::ostream& o, const childType& i)
    for (childType::identificador_const_iterator
         b (i.identificador ().begin ()), e (i.identificador ().end ());
         b != e; ++b)
      o << ::std::endl << "identificador: " << *b;

    return o;

  operator<< (::std::ostream& o, const idLstType& i)
    for (idLstType::identificador_const_iterator
         b (i.identificador ().begin ()), e (i.identificador ().end ());
         b != e; ++b)
      o << ::std::endl << "identificador: " << *b;

    return o;

#include <istream>
#include <xsd/cxx/xml/sax/std-input-source.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/error-handler.hxx>

namespace eIdentificador
  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (const ::std::string& u,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize) == 0,
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom) == 0);

    ::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< char > h;

    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< char > (u, h, p, f));

    h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > > ();

    ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (
        d, f | ::xml_schema::flags::own_dom, p));

    return r;

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (const ::std::string& u,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& h,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize) == 0,
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom) == 0);

    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< char > (u, h, p, f));

    if (!d.get ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > ();

    ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (
        d, f | ::xml_schema::flags::own_dom, p));

    return r;

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (const ::std::string& u,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< char > (u, h, p, f));

    if (!d.get ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > ();

    ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (
        d, f | ::xml_schema::flags::own_dom, p));

    return r;

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize) == 0,
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom) == 0);

    ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);
    return ::eIdentificador::identificadores (isrc, f, p);

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& h,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize) == 0,
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom) == 0);

    ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);
    return ::eIdentificador::identificadores (isrc, h, f, p);

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);
    return ::eIdentificador::identificadores (isrc, h, f, p);

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   const ::std::string& sid,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize) == 0,
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom) == 0);

    ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);
    return ::eIdentificador::identificadores (isrc, f, p);

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   const ::std::string& sid,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& h,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize) == 0,
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom) == 0);

    ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);
    return ::eIdentificador::identificadores (isrc, h, f, p);

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   const ::std::string& sid,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);
    return ::eIdentificador::identificadores (isrc, h, f, p);

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (xercesc::InputSource& i,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< char > h;

    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< char > (i, h, p, f));

    h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > > ();

    ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (
        d, f | ::xml_schema::flags::own_dom, p));

    return r;

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (xercesc::InputSource& i,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& h,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< char > (i, h, p, f));

    if (!d.get ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > ();

    ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (
        d, f | ::xml_schema::flags::own_dom, p));

    return r;

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (xercesc::InputSource& i,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< char > (i, h, p, f));

    if (!d.get ())
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > ();

    ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (
        d, f | ::xml_schema::flags::own_dom, p));

    return r;

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (const xercesc::DOMDocument& d,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p)
    if (f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom)
      ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > c (
        static_cast< xercesc::DOMDocument* > (d.cloneNode (true)));

      ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
        ::eIdentificador::identificadores (
          c, f | ::xml_schema::flags::own_dom, p));

      return r;

    const xercesc::DOMElement& e (*d.getDocumentElement ());
    const ::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< char > n (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< char > (e));

    if (n.name () == "identificadores" &&
        n.namespace_ () == "http://www.scanitec.com.br/eIdentificador")
      ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
        ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< ::eIdentificador::idLstType, char >::create (
          e, f, 0));
      return r;

    throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element < char > (
      n.name (),
      n.namespace_ (),

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument >& d,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties&)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > c (
      ((f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom) &&
       !(f & ::xml_schema::flags::own_dom))
      ? static_cast< xercesc::DOMDocument* > (d->cloneNode (true))
      : 0);

    xercesc::DOMDocument& doc (c.get () ? *c : *d);
    const xercesc::DOMElement& e (*doc.getDocumentElement ());

    const ::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< char > n (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< char > (e));

    if (f & ::xml_schema::flags::keep_dom)
      doc.setUserData (::xml_schema::dom::tree_node_key,
                       (c.get () ? &c : &d),

    if (n.name () == "identificadores" &&
        n.namespace_ () == "http://www.scanitec.com.br/eIdentificador")
      ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType > r (
        ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< ::eIdentificador::idLstType, char >::create (
          e, f, 0));
      return r;

    throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element < char > (
      n.name (),
      n.namespace_ (),

#include <ostream>
#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/serialization-source.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/error-handler.hxx>

namespace eIdentificador
  operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement& e, const classType& i)
    e << static_cast< const ::xml_schema::string& > (i);

  operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr& a, const classType& i)
    a << static_cast< const ::xml_schema::string& > (i);

  operator<< (::xml_schema::list_stream& l,
              const classType& i)
    l << static_cast< const ::xml_schema::string& > (i);

  operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement& e, const idType& i)
    e << static_cast< const ::xml_schema::type& > (i);

    // nome
      xercesc::DOMElement& s (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (

      s << i.nome ();

    // eId
      xercesc::DOMElement& s (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (

      s << i.eId ();

    // classe
      xercesc::DOMElement& s (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (

      s << i.classe ();

    // obs
      xercesc::DOMElement& s (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (

      s << i.obs ();

    // ativo
      xercesc::DOMElement& s (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (

      s << i.ativo ();

    // filhos
    if (i.filhos ())
      xercesc::DOMElement& s (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (

      s << *i.filhos ();

    // id
      xercesc::DOMAttr& a (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_attribute (

      a << i.id ();

  operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement& e, const childType& i)
    e << static_cast< const ::xml_schema::type& > (i);

    // identificador
    for (childType::identificador_const_iterator
         b (i.identificador ().begin ()), n (i.identificador ().end ());
         b != n; ++b)
      xercesc::DOMElement& s (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (

      s << *b;

  operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement& e, const idLstType& i)
    e << static_cast< const ::xml_schema::type& > (i);

    // identificador
    for (idLstType::identificador_const_iterator
         b (i.identificador ().begin ()), n (i.identificador ().end ());
         b != n; ++b)
      xercesc::DOMElement& s (
        ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (

      s << *b;

  identificadores (::std::ostream& o,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& s,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m,
                   const ::std::string& e,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize) == 0);

    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (s, m, f));

    ::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< char > h;

    ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::ostream_format_target t (o);
    if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))
      h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char > > ();

  identificadores (::std::ostream& o,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& s,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& h,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m,
                   const ::std::string& e,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f)
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
      (f & ::xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize) == 0);

    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (s, m, f));
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::ostream_format_target t (o);
    if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char > ();

  identificadores (::std::ostream& o,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& s,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m,
                   const ::std::string& e,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (s, m, f));
    ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::ostream_format_target t (o);
    if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char > ();

  identificadores (xercesc::XMLFormatTarget& t,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& s,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m,
                   const ::std::string& e,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (s, m, f));

    ::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< char > h;

    if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))
      h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char > > ();

  identificadores (xercesc::XMLFormatTarget& t,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& s,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& h,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m,
                   const ::std::string& e,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (s, m, f));
    if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char > ();

  identificadores (xercesc::XMLFormatTarget& t,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& s,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& h,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m,
                   const ::std::string& e,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::eIdentificador::identificadores (s, m, f));
    if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char > ();

  identificadores (xercesc::DOMDocument& d,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& s,
    xercesc::DOMElement& e (*d.getDocumentElement ());
    const ::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< char > n (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< char > (e));

    if (n.name () == "identificadores" &&
        n.namespace_ () == "http://www.scanitec.com.br/eIdentificador")
      e << s;
      throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element < char > (
        n.name (),
        n.namespace_ (),

  ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument >
  identificadores (const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& s,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f)
    ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
      ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize< char > (
        m, f));

    ::eIdentificador::identificadores (*d, s, f);
    return d;

#include <xsd/cxx/post.hxx>

// Begin epilogue.
// End epilogue.

-------------- next part --------------
// Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Code Synthesis Tools CC
// This program was generated by CodeSynthesis XSD, an XML Schema to
// C++ data binding compiler.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// In addition, as a special exception, Code Synthesis Tools CC gives
// permission to link this program with the Xerces-C++ library (or with
// modified versions of Xerces-C++ that use the same license as Xerces-C++),
// and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey
// the GNU General Public License version 2 in all respects for all of
// the code used other than Xerces-C++. If you modify this copy of the
// program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program,
// but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
// this exception statement from your version.
// Furthermore, Code Synthesis Tools CC makes a special exception for
// the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) which is described
// in the accompanying FLOSSE file.


// Begin prologue.
// End prologue.

#include <xsd/cxx/config.hxx>

#if (XSD_INT_VERSION != 3020000L)
#error XSD runtime version mismatch

#include <xsd/cxx/pre.hxx>

#ifndef XSD_USE_CHAR
#define XSD_USE_CHAR


#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/types.hxx>

#include <xsd/cxx/xml/error-handler.hxx>

#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>

#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/byte.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/unsigned-byte.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/short.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/unsigned-short.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/int.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/unsigned-int.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/long.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/unsigned-long.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/boolean.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/float.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/double.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/decimal.hxx>

#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/serialization-header.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/byte.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/unsigned-byte.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/short.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/unsigned-short.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/int.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/unsigned-int.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/long.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/unsigned-long.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/boolean.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/float.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/double.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/decimal.hxx>

#include <xsd/cxx/tree/std-ostream-operators.hxx>

namespace xml_schema
  // anyType and anySimpleType.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::type type;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type< type > simple_type;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::type container;

  // 8-bit
  typedef signed char byte;
  typedef unsigned char unsigned_byte;

  // 16-bit
  typedef short short_;
  typedef unsigned short unsigned_short;

  // 32-bit
  typedef int int_;
  typedef unsigned int unsigned_int;

  // 64-bit
  typedef long long long_;
  typedef unsigned long long unsigned_long;

  // Supposed to be arbitrary-length integral types.
  typedef long long integer;
  typedef long long non_positive_integer;
  typedef unsigned long long non_negative_integer;
  typedef unsigned long long positive_integer;
  typedef long long negative_integer;

  // Boolean.
  typedef bool boolean;

  // Floating-point types.
  typedef float float_;
  typedef double double_;
  typedef double decimal;

  // String types.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::string< char, simple_type > string;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::normalized_string< char, string > normalized_string;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::token< char, normalized_string > token;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::name< char, token > name;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::nmtoken< char, token > nmtoken;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::nmtokens< char, simple_type, nmtoken > nmtokens;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::ncname< char, name > ncname;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::language< char, token > language;

  // ID/IDREF.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::id< char, ncname > id;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::idref< type, char, ncname > idref;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::idrefs< char, simple_type, idref > idrefs;

  // URI.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::uri< char, simple_type > uri;

  // Qualified name.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::qname< char, simple_type, uri, ncname > qname;

  // Binary.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::buffer< char > buffer;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::base64_binary< char, simple_type > base64_binary;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::hex_binary< char, simple_type > hex_binary;

  // Date/time.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::time_zone time_zone;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::date< char, simple_type > date;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::date_time< char, simple_type > date_time;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::duration< char, simple_type > duration;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gday< char, simple_type > gday;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gmonth< char, simple_type > gmonth;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gmonth_day< char, simple_type > gmonth_day;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gyear< char, simple_type > gyear;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gyear_month< char, simple_type > gyear_month;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::time< char, simple_type > time;

  // Entity.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::entity< char, ncname > entity;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::entities< char, simple_type, entity > entities;

  // Namespace information and list stream. Used in
  // serialization functions.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_info < char > namespace_info;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap < char > namespace_infomap;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream < char > list_stream;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::as_double < double_ > as_double;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::as_decimal < decimal > as_decimal;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::facet facet;

  // Flags and properties.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags flags;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > properties;

  // Exceptions.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::exception< char > exception;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::bounds< char > bounds;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::duplicate_id< char > duplicate_id;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > parsing;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > expected_element;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char > unexpected_element;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< char > expected_attribute;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator< char > unexpected_enumerator;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_text_content< char > expected_text_content;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::no_prefix_mapping< char > no_prefix_mapping;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char > serialization;

  // Parsing/serialization diagnostics.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::severity severity;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::error< char > error;
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::diagnostics< char > diagnostics;

  // Error handler callback interface.
  typedef ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char > error_handler;

  // DOM interaction.
  namespace dom
    // Automatic pointer for DOMDocument.
    using ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr;

    // DOM user data key for back pointers to tree nodes.
    const XMLCh* const tree_node_key = ::xsd::cxx::tree::user_data_keys::node;

// Forward declarations.
namespace eIdentificador
  class classType;
  class idType;
  class childType;
  class idLstType;

#include <memory>    // std::auto_ptr
#include <algorithm> // std::binary_search

#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/containers.hxx>
#include <xsd/cxx/tree/list.hxx>

#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/parsing-header.hxx>

namespace eIdentificador
  class classType: public ::xml_schema::string
    enum value

    classType (value v);

    classType (const char* v);

    classType (const ::std::string& v);

    classType (const ::xml_schema::string& v);

    classType (const xercesc::DOMElement& e,
               ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
               ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    classType (const xercesc::DOMAttr& a,
               ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
               ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    classType (const ::std::string& s,
               const xercesc::DOMElement* e,
               ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
               ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    classType (const classType& x,
               ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
               ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    virtual classType*
    _clone (::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
            ::xml_schema::container* c = 0) const;

    operator= (value v);

    operator value () const
      return _xsd_classType_convert ();

    _xsd_classType_convert () const;

    static const char* const _xsd_classType_literals_[7];
    static const value _xsd_classType_indexes_[7];

  class idType: public ::xml_schema::type
    // nome
    typedef ::xml_schema::string nome_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< nome_type, char > nome_traits;

    const nome_type&
    nome () const;

    nome ();

    nome (const nome_type& x);

    nome (::std::auto_ptr< nome_type > p);

    // eId
    typedef ::xml_schema::string eId_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< eId_type, char > eId_traits;

    const eId_type&
    eId () const;

    eId ();

    eId (const eId_type& x);

    eId (::std::auto_ptr< eId_type > p);

    // classe
    typedef ::eIdentificador::classType classe_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< classe_type, char > classe_traits;

    const classe_type&
    classe () const;

    classe ();

    classe (const classe_type& x);

    classe (::std::auto_ptr< classe_type > p);

    // obs
    typedef ::xml_schema::string obs_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< obs_type, char > obs_traits;

    const obs_type&
    obs () const;

    obs ();

    obs (const obs_type& x);

    obs (::std::auto_ptr< obs_type > p);

    // ativo
    typedef ::xml_schema::boolean ativo_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< ativo_type, char > ativo_traits;

    const ativo_type&
    ativo () const;

    ativo ();

    ativo (const ativo_type& x);

    // filhos
    typedef ::eIdentificador::childType filhos_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< filhos_type > filhos_optional;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< filhos_type, char > filhos_traits;

    const filhos_optional&
    filhos () const;

    filhos ();

    filhos (const filhos_type& x);

    filhos (const filhos_optional& x);

    filhos (::std::auto_ptr< filhos_type > p);

    // id
    typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int id_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< id_type, char > id_traits;

    const id_type&
    id () const;

    id ();

    id (const id_type& x);

    // Constructors.
    idType (const nome_type&,
            const eId_type&,
            const classe_type&,
            const obs_type&,
            const ativo_type&,
            const id_type&);

    idType (const xercesc::DOMElement& e,
            ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
            ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    idType (const idType& x,
            ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
            ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    virtual idType*
    _clone (::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
            ::xml_schema::container* c = 0) const;

    ~idType ();

    // Implementation.
    parse (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char >&,

    ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< nome_type > nome_;
    ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< eId_type > eId_;
    ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< classe_type > classe_;
    ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< obs_type > obs_;
    ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< ativo_type > ativo_;
    filhos_optional filhos_;
    ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< id_type > id_;

  class childType: public ::xml_schema::type
    // identificador
    typedef ::eIdentificador::idType identificador_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< identificador_type > identificador_sequence;
    typedef xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< identificador_type >::iterator identificador_iterator;
    typedef xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< identificador_type >::const_iterator identificador_const_iterator;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< identificador_type, char > identificador_traits;

    const identificador_sequence&
    identificador () const;

    identificador ();

    identificador (const identificador_sequence& s);

    // Constructors.
    childType ();

    childType (const xercesc::DOMElement& e,
               ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
               ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    childType (const childType& x,
               ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
               ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    virtual childType*
    _clone (::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
            ::xml_schema::container* c = 0) const;

    ~childType ();

    // Implementation.
    parse (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char >&,

    identificador_sequence identificador_;

  class idLstType: public ::xml_schema::type
    // identificador
    typedef ::eIdentificador::idType identificador_type;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< identificador_type > identificador_sequence;
    typedef xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< identificador_type >::iterator identificador_iterator;
    typedef xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< identificador_type >::const_iterator identificador_const_iterator;
    typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< identificador_type, char > identificador_traits;

    const identificador_sequence&
    identificador () const;

    identificador ();

    identificador (const identificador_sequence& s);

    // Constructors.
    idLstType ();

    idLstType (const xercesc::DOMElement& e,
               ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
               ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    idLstType (const idLstType& x,
               ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
               ::xml_schema::container* c = 0);

    virtual idLstType*
    _clone (::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
            ::xml_schema::container* c = 0) const;

    ~idLstType ();

    // Implementation.
    parse (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char >&,

    identificador_sequence identificador_;

#include <iosfwd>

namespace eIdentificador
  operator<< (::std::ostream&, classType::value);

  operator<< (::std::ostream&, const classType&);

  operator<< (::std::ostream&, const idType&);

  operator<< (::std::ostream&, const childType&);

  operator<< (::std::ostream&, const idLstType&);

#include <iosfwd>

#include <xercesc/sax/InputSource.hpp>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOMErrorHandler.hpp>

namespace eIdentificador
  // Parse a URI or a local file.

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (const ::std::string& uri,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (const ::std::string& uri,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& eh,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (const ::std::string& uri,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& eh,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  // Parse std::istream.

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& eh,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& eh,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   const ::std::string& id,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   const ::std::string& id,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& eh,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::std::istream& is,
                   const ::std::string& id,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& eh,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  // Parse xercesc::InputSource.

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (xercesc::InputSource& is,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (xercesc::InputSource& is,
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& eh,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (xercesc::InputSource& is,
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& eh,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  // Parse xercesc::DOMDocument.

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (const xercesc::DOMDocument& d,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

  ::std::auto_ptr< ::eIdentificador::idLstType >
  identificadores (::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument >& d,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0,
                   const ::xml_schema::properties& p = ::xml_schema::properties ());

#include <iosfwd>

#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOMErrorHandler.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/XMLFormatter.hpp>

#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>

namespace eIdentificador
  operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement&, const classType&);

  operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr&, const classType&);

  operator<< (::xml_schema::list_stream&,
              const classType&);

  operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement&, const idType&);

  operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement&, const childType&);

  operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement&, const idLstType&);

  // Serialize to std::ostream.

  identificadores (::std::ostream& os,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& x, 
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m = ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap (),
                   const ::std::string& e = "UTF-8",
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0);

  identificadores (::std::ostream& os,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& x, 
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& eh,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m = ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap (),
                   const ::std::string& e = "UTF-8",
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0);

  identificadores (::std::ostream& os,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& x, 
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& eh,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m = ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap (),
                   const ::std::string& e = "UTF-8",
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0);

  // Serialize to xercesc::XMLFormatTarget.

  identificadores (xercesc::XMLFormatTarget& ft,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& x, 
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m = ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap (),
                   const ::std::string& e = "UTF-8",
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0);

  identificadores (xercesc::XMLFormatTarget& ft,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& x, 
                   ::xml_schema::error_handler& eh,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m = ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap (),
                   const ::std::string& e = "UTF-8",
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0);

  identificadores (xercesc::XMLFormatTarget& ft,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& x, 
                   xercesc::DOMErrorHandler& eh,
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m = ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap (),
                   const ::std::string& e = "UTF-8",
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0);

  // Serialize to an existing xercesc::DOMDocument.

  identificadores (xercesc::DOMDocument& d,
                   const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& x,
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0);

  // Serialize to a new xercesc::DOMDocument.

  ::xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr< xercesc::DOMDocument >
  identificadores (const ::eIdentificador::idLstType& x, 
                   const ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap& m = ::xml_schema::namespace_infomap (),
                   ::xml_schema::flags f = 0);

#include <xsd/cxx/post.hxx>

// Begin epilogue.
// End epilogue.


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